2014 is now over and it’s flown by, but it wasn’t without it’s moments. This year was a very productive year in getting things in order – namely being able to find a residency after graduation. There were many long days no doubt. Looking back, I really have to think back to where it all went.
In the first half of the year, I finished my third year rotations in medicine, surgery, and family medicine. Before I could catch my breath, it was time for round two of board exams and then summer was gone and I hit the ground running fourth year with neurology rotations and shortly after, interviews for residency. In the last week of December before Christmas, I had four interviews in different cities within the span of a week. It was pretty nuts.
Travel wise, I have flown just shy of 20K miles – primarily for school and only about a quarter for vacation and visiting family over Christmas. I realize that I haven’t taken many vacations this year and that they were all less than a week, mostly just a long weekend here and there. I didn’t get to go to any beaches or swimming, but did manage some hiking and mountain scenery in Salt Lake City, Tucson, and Albuquerque. I spent about 30 days of the year in a hotel which is strange to think about, but neat at the same time.
Twenty Fifteen
Happy new year!! I can’t believe it, it’s finally here, two zero one five. For me, I’m hoping for more time to spend with family and friends as fourth year finishes and I have the opportunity to travel and get out and see some cool places. Looking forward on the bucket list are more cruise destinations, visiting more continents, road trips to new places. I get giddy thinking of all the possibilities and places to visit.
In the second half of the year, I start on the job training as an intern in someplace wonderful. Where I will be for at least the next four years, I do not know. But I know that wherever I match, it will be an excellent learning opportunity to lay the foundation for wherever life leads. As January starts, things are starting to become more real as 2015 approaches and I realize it’s my last year of medical school and that this is the year I’ve been looking forward to the last four years.
Bring it on 2015.